2014 Slow Food Utah Micro-grant Applications due by February 15
The Board of Slow Food Utah is pleased to announce that we will be accepting 2014 micro-grant applications now through February 15th. We dedicate the proceeds of the annual Feast of Five Senses benefit dinner to this program, as well as some additional funds from generous donors and sponsors.
Over the years, micro-grants have supported local school and community gardens, small food businesses and producers, food heritage and biodiversity preservation projects, and more. All projects must support the core mission of Slow Food: good, clean, and fair food for all.
Examples of previous grant recipients can be found here. The maximum grant award is $2,000, with individual awards averaging about $1,000 per grant. We receive 3-4 times as many applications as we are able to fund, so these are quite competitive.
To apply, please visit the Micro-grants information page and review the instructions carefully. Then develop your project idea: write up a concise, clear project proposal based on the application questions, get a letter of recommendation and reference(s), and take some time to put together your tentative budget. Finally, download, complete, and submit your application by midnight, February 15th at the latest. All complete applications submitted by the deadline will be considered. We look forward to hearing from you. Good luck!