Getting ready for the Feast of Five Senses – Here Come the Chefs!
It is time once again for our largest annual fund raiser. The Feast of Five Senses – where your contributions to this evening will go to support our Micro-grant program. The menu is being built on the Ark of Taste and our local chef’s will use these heritage and heirloom foods to create the evenings menu.
One of the largest undertakings for the evening is to secure a roster of chefs who proudly create the evening’s menu and the chefs this year (just as every year) are talented and we are honored to share their names with you now.
Nathan Powers of Bambara
Ethan Lappe of Caffe Niche
Amber Billingsley of Vinto
Tom Grant of Martine
Jennifer Gilroy of Meditrina
Adam Kreisel of Chaia Cucina
Viet Pham of Forage (soon: Fire and Water),
Peter Korth of Frida Bistro
Phelix Gardner of Finca
Tickets will go on soon, so save the date and get ready to save your seat! You won’t want to miss this! Sunday, September 15, 2013